Posts tagged Moisturizing

Ten Tips for Tuesday: Aloe Vera

Ten Uses for Aloe Vera

1. Substitute Aloe Vera for shaving cream if you find yourself in a pinch or if you are looking for a ‘greener’ alternative. Slap on the Aloe and let it lubricate and moisturize your skin at the same time! It can also be used as a substitute or replacement for lotion on those newly shaven legs!

2. Drink Aloe juice (find it in the health food stores) to help fight diabetes. It lowers your blood sugar and it also helps soothe and heal your digestive tract.

3. Reduce puffiness! No need to freeze spoons… keep your aloe in the fridge. Whether you’ve had a long night or watched a tear-jerker before bed, when you wake up to puffy eyes grab your aloe out of the fridge and put a small dab under each eye. Rub it in in a circular motion. The movement and the coolness of the aloe help reduce puffiness and break up fluids in the eye area. (It’s a lot cheaper than $20 eye creams.)

4. Drink Aloe juice to lower your triglycerides and cholesterol to promote a healthy heart! Read the rest of this entry »

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