Posts tagged spaghetti

What’s Cooking?

In an effort to take back part of our dining room and our freezer, this month’s menu is largely based on using what we already have in our ‘pantry’ and in our freezer. I’ve also come up with several New Year’s Resolutions. I’ll go through those in another post, but part of our financial goals will involve being good stewards of our money and our finances. I put this aspect of that resolution into action in the last couple months as to not bombard myself at the beginning of this year, so I’m well on my way. The first part of this goal involves couponing and shopping for what’s on sale. That’s what I have been up to for the last month or two. The second part is creating a rotating food storage (no spinning necessary) to prevent waste and spoilage by using what’s oldest first and putting the new stuff in the back. The last part involves building monthly menus around what I have on hand in the freezer, fridge, and in our makeshift pantry. (Weekly or bi-monthly shopping will revolve around what fresh produce is on sale and in season.)

I don’t plan on updating what’s for dinner every day, but when I have good examples of how I’m stretching a buck to feed my family and use what we already have I’ll share with you. Read the rest of this entry »

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