Posts tagged Facebook


I’m sure by now many of you have realized that I haven’t posted anything for 6 months (give or take) and that even the facebook and twitter pages have been rather silent. That’s because life has been happening and on the side I’ve been contemplating the actual purpose and direction of this blog. I’ve come to a conclusion, for the most part, and I hope that you’ll decide to stick with me. That being said, those of you who follow along for the good deals may be disappointed. While you may still hear of a good deal, a great sale, and couponing topics, that won’t be the main focus of this blog.

I’ve realized that there is soooo much more to living frugally and saving money than couponing, sales, and deals, and that my readers deserve the chance to know about those other option. I knew about these things prior to ever starting this blog but it wasn’t something I’d planned (for the most part) to put into cyberspace. However, I want this blog to show who I am, how we live, and what works for us. These things may or may not work for you and/or your family, but I hope that even if they don’t, they inspire you to find out what does work for you and how to put it into place.

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Just to Tide You Over

Hi Everyone!

Just wanted to give you an update. My little fingers are typing themselves to death but things are moving along on the new pages. In the mean time I just wanted to remind you that you still can get lots of info on great deals, news, etc. on Facebook, Twitter and blogfrog. If you’re already on blogfrog, after you add me be sure to add the It Makes Cents to Me! community where you can join in and be a part of discussions about things related to It Makes Cents to Me! and its content!

Again, while I’m not posting tons of stuff here, I’m posting (almost) daily deals by the handful on Facebook and Twitter and the feed goes to blogfrog too!

Thanks for checking back!



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New Sections Coming Soon!

I just wanted to let everyone know that while posts are never really ‘regular’ on here they will continue to be sporadic for the time being. However, it’s for good reason. I’m happy to announce that I will be working on coupon tutorial pages! They’ll be the basics of couponing and possibly some more advanced stuff. But let’s face it, that’s one of the easiest ways to cut that grocery bill in half and so I’m going to devote an entire section to couponing and shopping sales! In the mean time, please be patient with me. I’ll be working on them and putting them up as quickly as I can but since this will be more than just a simple post I’m going to devote some extra time to them.

In the mean time, if there is a specific topic you’d like to hear about or a question you’d like an answer to I’d love to hear from you! You can post it in the comments section below or email me at I’d also really appreciate you spreading the word about It Makes Cents to Me! with your friends, family, co-workers, fellow church goers, random people at the grocery store or just anyone who could benefit from the content here or is looking to keep a little more of their family’s income in their own pockets.

Last, but certainly not least, I’m also happy to announce that you can now find It Makes Cents to Me! on Facebook and Twitter! Again, for now, posts will be sporadic as this is a one woman operation for the time being, but I’ll do my best to get everything done in a timely matter. I truly appreciate your support and patience!

God Bless,


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To My 12 Readers!

First of all, I just want to say thank you to all of my 12 readers who have supported  my blog so far. Technically I don’t know if there are 12 of you, I think there might be a few more than that, but to all of you thank you. Seeing that you are reading my blog is inspiring to me to keep going and it lets me know there is an audience listening to my experiences.

I’d love to hear from you! Anytime you’d like leave a comment about your experiences, leave critiques, let me know what you want to hear about… anything… but I’d love to hear from you!

As for the purpose of this post, I just want to say sorry for not posting this week. Life spun out of control a bit and I’ve needed a moment to get my feet back on solid ground. Two of my family members have fallen very ill. For those of you who pray, please pray that God will heal their bodies and that he will bless them and our family with comfort and peace in this difficult time. Also, Chris and I have been on the job hunt. We’re like bloodhounds tracking jobs but unfortunately we aren’t having much, if any, luck. However, over the last two weeks I have created several articles that I will be finishing and editing this weekend so that I can get back on track next week. Thank you for your patience and for checking back even though there hasn’t been new material. You support means the world to me!

For those of you with a Facebook, you can add the application called NetworkedBlogs and add It Makes Cents to Me! Feel free to use the share button to share It Makes Cents to Me! with your friends, family, and co-workers. And while you’re here, feel free to subscribe to It Makes Cents to Me! via email! Just look on the right side for the subscribe button.

And one last quick update, for those of you who are wondering about It Makes Cents to Me!’s furture, once I find a job I will be paying to have a personalized layout and icon made for It Makes Cents to Me! I will also be adding much more content and will be expanding the site. Also, be on the lookout for a fan page on Facebook. It’s currently under construction but I hope to have it up in the next week or two.

God bless and have a good weekend!


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